Our future is circular
Sonat is a platform for both strategic and operative services — count on us to make your company grow by introducing circular business rhythms.
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Manufacturing services
Building a sustainable model
Today, we must promote sustainability and growth in business by being more efficient in our transactions and use of resources. By combining forces with our partners, we handle visibility, planning and delivery, which in turn leads to vital savings on time, money and the climate.

Commerce services
E-commerce that works as it should
How do we optimise the customer journey through services? Today, retail customers are looking for an experience where the operative handling of purchasing, logistics, after-sales and customer services should be an effortless, even pleasurable experience.

How our customer journey works
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- Prestudy
- Design & Evolve
- Implement
- Operate
- Continues Improvement
Our global network
3M transactions
400+ partners
147 countries

Sonat news

Supply chain the journey
Getinge, a global medical company, currently engaged in a critical ramp-up in production of ventilators, to save more lives.

Supply chain the journey
The future of Byggmax: a modern marketplace with a core in sustainable and qualitative logistics.

Supply chain the journey
Varner, one of Scandinavia’s largest fashion group, has the ambition to pioneer a new chapter of behaviour driven fashion.

Supply chain the journey
Co-founder at Sonat, Kjell Rundqvist tells us about how enthusiasm for transparency is guiding him into the future.